The Troublesome Tiger is the second book in the Tanglewood Animal Park series by Tamsyn Murray. The story follows Zoe, a young girl who loves visiting the Tanglewood Animal Park, as she tries to help the park’s newest arrival, Tindu the tiger, feel happy in his new home.
Plot Summary
Tindu the tiger seems sad and refuses to leave his den, and Zoe is determined to help him. With the Terrific Tigers weekend just two weeks away, the pressure is on to get Tindu to come out of his shell. Zoe uses her creativity and resourcefulness to come up with a plan to help Tindu feel more comfortable and happy in his new home.
Themes and Messages
The book explores themes of empathy, kindness, and problem-solving, as Zoe works to understand and help Tindu. The story also highlights the importance of research and learning about animals, as Zoe learns more about tigers and their habitats.
Target Audience
The Troublesome Tiger is aimed at children aged 4-8 years old, making it a great choice for early readers or for reading aloud to younger children.